1. General provisions

1.1. This User Agreement ("Agreement") applies to the electronic information resource at the Website (the "Website").
1.2. The Website is the property of the Center for the Competition Policy Development and Protection JSC.
1.3. This Agreement regulates the relationship between the Website Administration and its Users.
1.4. The Website Administration reserves the right to change, add or delete clauses of the Agreement at any time without notice to the User. The new version of the Agreement comes into force the moment it is posted on the Website.
1.5. The User's continued use of the Website shall constitute acceptance of the terms of the Agreement.
1.6. It is the User's personal responsibility to check the Agreement for changes that have been made to it.

2. Terms and Definitions

2.1. The following terms shall have the following meaning for the purposes of the Agreement:
2.1.1 Website is an electronic information resource displayed in text, graphic, audio-visual or other form, hosted on a hardware and software complex, having a unique network address and domain name and operating on the Internet.
The intellectual rights to the Website belong in full to the Center for the Competition Policy Development and Protection JSC.
2.1.3. Website Administration - authorized employees acting on behalf of the Center for the Competition Policy Development and Protection JSC to manage the Website.
2.1.4. Website User (User) means any person who accesses the Website on the Internet.
2.1.5. Website Content (Content) means the protected results of intellectual activity, including text, annotations, articles, illustrations, graphics, text, photographic, derivative, composite and other works, user interfaces, visual interfaces, trademark names, logos, programs, databases, as well as the design, structure, selection, coordination, visual appearance, general style and arrangement of this Content included in the Website and other intellectual property objects all together and/or separately contained on the Website.

3. Subject of Agreement

3.1 Subject of Agreement is providing the Website User access to the Website Content, reading the Website Content, using the Website Content, as well as providing the Website User with an option to register for events, registration for which is available on the Website.
3.2 Using the Content means downloading, copying, quoting and translating the Website Content in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3.3. Users' access to Website Content is free of charge.
3.4. The Website is not a media outlet.

4. Website Administration Rights

4.1. Website Administration has the right to:
4.1.1. Amend the terms and conditions of Users' access to the Website Content and modify the Website Content.
4.1.2. Restrict access to the Website if the User breaches the terms of the Agreement.
4.1.3. Take any measures not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to protect its intellectual property rights in relation to the Website, as well as its Content.

5. User Rights and Obligations

5.1. User has the right to:
5.1.1. Access the Content on the Website free of charge.
5.1.2. Use the Website only for the purposes and in the manner specified in the Agreement and not prohibited by applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.2. User of the Website undertakes to:
5.2.1. Comply with the property and non-property rights of authors and other rights holders when using the Website Content.
5.2.2. Not to take any action that could be seen as disruptive to the normal operation of the Website.
5.2.3. Not to use the Website and Website Content for promotional purposes other than with the consent of the Website Administration.

6. Website Content Use

6.1. The Website and the Website Content are owned and operated by the Website Administration. 6.2. All the results of intellectual activity used and published on the Website, as well as the Website itself, are the intellectual property of their rightful owners and are protected by the intellectual property legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as by the relevant international legal acts.
6.3. No Content may be copied (reproduced), republished, distributed, posted, shared, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part without a direct link or reference to the Website as the source.

7. Final provisions

7.1. The Agreement constitutes a public offer in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The User's consent to the Agreement terms (acceptance) shall be deemed to be the actual use of the Website.
7.2. The User and the Website Administration shall attempt to resolve all disputes and disagreements between them by negotiations. If they cannot be resolved by negotiation, disputes and disagreements shall be submitted to the relevant court where the Website Administration is located.
Registration open until October 15, 2024
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Kazakhstan, Astana
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